The following image is a comparison with simulated HMI and RTU modbus emulator via virtual serial ports, a hardware configuration of the HMI with modbus RTU via cable.
Ok, so to start learning this, we do the following STEP 2:
I. Preparation Software
Prepare and install software2 follows:
- Wonderware Intouch 10 (can be from the office .. hehe. but the demo version can also be obtained from Wonderware representative in Jakarta. Look at his blog mas Handy about how to order it)
- Wonderware Factory Suite I / O Common Component (installed from a CD Device Integration)
- Modicon MODBUS Serial IO Server (installed from a CD Device Integration, after installing the Factory Suite I / O Common Component)
- virtual serial port emulator (output Eterlogic, freeware)
- modbus RTU emulator (made by mas Rifqi Imanto, salute such tools Cool ..). In addition to these tools, we can also use other emulators, such as PLC modbus simulator artificial Conrad Braam.
II. Run Virtual Serial Port Emulator
Click the shortcut on the desktop and windows display appears as follows:
Configure the menu: Device -> create, select the type: pair
Select the virtual port (in this example is COM3 and COM4), then Finish
Henceforth we will use the port for connection to COM3 and COM4 Intouch HMI Modbus RTU for connection to the emulator.
Run TSB virtual ports, and minimize:
III. Configuring the Server IO
Go to Start -> All Programs -> Wonderware Factory Suite -> IO Servers -> Modicon Modbus
And the display will appear as follows:
Configure the COM port by the way, select: Configure -> Com port settings
Fill in the configuration as follows, in this case we are using COM3 which is a virtual serial port such as a pre-configured. Press done when complete.
Configuring a new Topic, select: Configure -> Topic definition
Nama2 topic list appears, select: New
Configure the following topic:
Topic Name: fill in whatever name (in this example: testmodbus)
ComPort: select the serial port where the tool is installed (in this case virtual serial port COM3)
Slave Device Type: 584/984 for addressing five digits, 484 for 4-digit address, and E model PLC untu 6 Digit Addressing (in this example, because the emulator uses modbus RTU addressing five digits, then the slave device type is selected who is 584/984 )
Once completed, then a new topic (topicmodbus) will appear in the list topic.
Let the software IO server to remain open, or diminimize.
IV. Configure Intouch
Go to Start -> All Programs -> Wonderware -> Intouch
Intouch Application Manager display appears, select: File -> New
Follow the instructions on the wizard, to create a new application, call by name testmodbus
Double click on the application testmodbus, so the display appears Intouch - WindowMaker. This view is used to create images and animations.
Well then we need to configure this InTouch to communicate with modbus via IO Configure the server that we already had. Remember earlier we have made the topic? Now we will create an access name corresponding to the last topic.
Open the menu: Special -> Access Names
Access Names will appear. Create a new Access Names by choosing the Add button
Add Access Name display appears. Remember earlier we have made the topic "topicmodbus" on the IO server configuration? Now fill in the topic name them, and for the Application Name field, fill: MODBUS. Then select OK.
Access topicmodbus name was added to the list
Next we need to create a tagname. Tagname is the definition of variable names associated with modbus address or I / O from device. For that tag is also associated with an access name that you created earlier.
For that, select: Special -> tagname Dictionary
Display appears tagname dictionary,
Select: New
Fill tagname: for example, tagmodbus1
Select Type: I / O discrete (because the data is discrete modbusnya)
Select accessname: topicmodbus (in accordance with an access name that you created earlier)
Item contents: for example, 40 001 (modbus address which we will read / display)
Well, after configure access names and tagname, then we proceed next to a picture-drawing and animation
Still in Intouch-WindowMaker, select menu: File -> New
Properties window is displayed, fill in names: for example, testmodbus
Blank windows appear with the name testmodbus, create an image circle for example.
Create animations for the circle. Kira2 this scenario, if the modbus data on 40 001, then the color of the circle becomes green, if the data modbus 40 001 off, then the color turns to red circles. Double click the circle, the display appears as follows:
Choose: Fill Color -> Discrete
Display appears as follows, in a column expression, tagname content we've created earlier, namely: tagmodbus1
Once ok, then select File -> Save Window, and the animation is ready to run
V. Prepare Modbus RTU Emulator
Open modbus RTU simulator
Remember we will be using virtual serial COM4 to connect to the RTU emulator (when we Configure virtual serial port emulator software). Create RTU register, select the port: COM4, and select the button: open the port.
RTU emulator up and running!
VI. Animation in Intouch
At Intouch, WindowMaker, select the runtime on the top right corner.
Will appear, Intouch - WindowViewer
At first the image circle is red, because the initial 40 001 modbus data is 0 (off).
We try to change the data modbus 40 001 to 1 (on) on modbus RTU emulator
So in the view-WindowViewer Intouch, the circle turns into green (on)
Well, we managed to animate Intouch HMI to read modbus data. Then we can try with images and animations are more complex.
This application can also be used at the time of acceptance test (FAT / SAT) on the HMI installation project in the industry.
Good luck ...
- Book: Basic programming with Wonderware Intouch SCADA software , written by Handy Wicaksono mas.
- Communication with Mr. Jeremiah (ex-Trimaxindo, Wonderware rep in Jakarta).